Copyrights to the music of Leroy Anderson are held by Woodbury Music Company LLC.
A Streaming license must be obtained from Woodbury Music Company prior to including a performance of Leroy Anderson's music in a video to be broadcast in any manner.
For information concerning the use of Leroy Anderson's music, contact the Leroy Anderson family via email only at: woodburymusic.ct(at)
Official Facebook page
for composer Leroy Anderson created by the family of Leroy Anderson is here: Other Facebook pages for composer Leroy Anderson
falsely reprsenting themselves as official pages
and broadly using copyrighted content from this website:
are in violation of international copyright law.
This website about the composer Leroy Anderson was created in 2001 by his widow, Eleanor Anderson (1918-2014), to make information about the life and work of her husband available to the public.
Photographs of Leroy Anderson and his family are the property of the Leroy Anderson Foundation. Permission for use is required.
When quoting from information on this website, please give proper credit to the "Leroy Anderson Foundation." We also request that you provide a link from your website to the homepage.
For permission to use photographs, contact the Leroy Anderson family at: woodburymusic.ct(at)
Thank you.
Also visit the official website
of the
Leroy Anderson Foundation
established by his family.